$(document).ready(function() {
                            username: 'jquery.pwi',
                            mode: 'albums',
                            albums: ["Album1","Album2"],
                            thumbCss: { margin: '5px' },
                            onclickThumb: ""



Tanzgruppe - Simple and all default
Kindertanzgruppe - Single album
singkreis - Latest additions!
Kreisgruppe - Unlisted album!
SBS Youngsters - Unlisted album!

Things you can overrule, specifified values are the defaults, only username is mandatory:
        username: '', //-- Must be explicitly set!!!

        mode: 'albums', //-- can be: album, albums, latest (keyword = obsolete but backwards compatible, now just fill in a keyword in the settings to enable keyword-photos)

        album: "", //-- For loading a single album

        authKey: "", //-- for loading a single album that is private (use in 'album' mode only)

        albums: [], //-- use to load specific albums only: ["MyAlbum", "TheSecondAlbumName", "OtherAlbum"]

        albumCrop: 1, //-- crop thumbs on albumpage to have all albums in square thumbs (see albumThumbSize for supported sizes)

        albumTitle: "", //-- overrule album title in 'album' mode

        albumThumbSize: 160, //-- specify thumbnail size of albumthumbs (default: 72, cropped not supported, supported cropped/uncropped: 32, 48, 64, 160 and uncropped only: 72, 144, 200, 288, 320, 400, 512, 576, 640, 720, 800)

        albumMaxResults: 999, //-- load only the first X albums

        albumsPerPage: 999, //-- show X albums per page (activates paging on albums when this amount is less then the available albums)

        albumPage: 1, //-- force load on specific album

        albumTypes: "public", //-- load public albums, not used for now

        page: 1, //-- initial page for an photo page

        photoSize: 800, //-- size of large photo loaded in slimbox, fancybox or other

        maxResults: 50, //-- photos per page

        showPager: 'bottom', //'top', 'bottom', 'both' (for both albums and album paging)

        thumbSize: 72,  //-- specify thumbnail size of photos (default: 72, cropped not supported, supported cropped/uncropped: 32, 48, 64, 160 and uncropped only: 72, 144, 200, 288, 320, 400, 512, 576, 640, 720, 800)

        thumbCrop: 0, //-- force crop on photo thumbnails (see thumbSize for supported sized)

        thumbCss: {

            'margin': '5px'


        onclickThumb: "", //-- overload the function when clicked on a photo thumbnail

        onclickAlbumThumb: "", //-- overload the function when clicked on a album thumbnail

        popupExt: "", //-- extend the photos by connecting them to for example Fancybox (see demos for example)

        showAlbumTitles: true,  //--following settings should be self-explanatory

        showAlbumThumbs: true,

        showAlbumdate: true,

        showAlbumPhotoCount: true,

        showAlbumDescription: true,

        showAlbumLocation: true,

        showSlideshowLink: true,

        showPhotoCaption: false,

        showPhotoCaptionDate: false,

        showCaptionLength: 9999,

        showPhotoDownload: false,

        showPhotoDate: true,

        labels: {

            photo: "photo",

            photos: "photos",

            albums: "Back to albums",

            slideshow: "Display slideshow",

            loading: "PWI fetching data...",

            page: "Page",

            prev: "Previous",

            next: "Next",

            devider: "|"

        }, //-- translate if needed

        months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],

        slimbox_config: {

            loop: false,

            overlayOpacity: 0.6,

            overlayFadeDuration: 400,

            resizeDuration: 400,

            resizeEasing: "swing",

            initialWidth: 250,

            initlaHeight: 250,

            imageFadeDuration: 400,

            captionAnimationDuration: 400,

            counterText: "{x}/{y}",

            closeKeys: [27, 88, 67, 70],

            prevKeys: [37, 80],

            nextKeys: [39, 83]

        }, //-- overrule defaults is needed

        blockUIConfig: {

            message: "
", css: "pwi_loader" }